Fading Memories - Volume I
63 Interviews of Madison County; 208 pages; 44 photos, indexed; $20.00 plus S&H
Table of Contents of Volume 1
- Interviews
- Armer, Nelson
- Baker, Bill; Barker, Walter; Beebe, Lavera; Berry, Lizzie and Raymond; Block, Frank; Bolinger, Freddie; Burkes, Bernie; Burnett, Ettie; Brashears, Zola.
- Calico, Floyd; Cobb, Tom; Coger, Arlis; Cook, Annie; Collins, Harrison and Rosie.
- Davenport, Roscoe and Mollie; Davis, Asa; Drake, Ben and Bertha; Dyke, Lizzie.
- Edmisten, Anna; Ellis, Nellie; Eubanks, Clayton; Evans, Oral; Eversole, Laura.
- Fancher, Sam
- Garrett, Roscoe; Garton, Sarah; Gross, Iva; Grubbs, E.U.;
- Hawkins, Annabelle; Hibbard, Eunice; Hollingsworth, Marvin and Ruby.
- Jackson, Frank; Johnson, Houston; Johnson, Searles; Jones, Fronia; Jones, Tilda.
- Lawson, Dewey.
- Markley, Albert and May; Morgan, Morris Henry; Murphy, Hugh; McConnell, Clara.
- Neal, Clara and Lester.
- Owens, Logan.
- Parker, Georgia; Parker, Walter; Parks, Ewell.
- Rose, Noble and Jean.
- Sams, Mamie; Simpson, Lilly; Sizemore, Cecil and Ruby; Spurlock, Eather; Steele, Sam and Pearl; Stout, Nannie.
- Tarr, Mabel; Thompson, A.F.; Thornsberry, Frankie;
- Vanlandingham, Carl and Wilma; Vaughan, Bert.
- Whorton, Vera; Wiggins, Bailie and Strange. Misc. History and Photographs
- Remembering Old Days - Texas Jack
- Madison County Negro Colony
- Echoes of Past - Mill Creek
- St. Paul History
- South Side Huntsville Square, Photo
- Smyrna School
- Making Molasses
- Facts about Huntsville
- Farming in the Depression, photo
- St. Paul Lumber Town, photo
- Floyd Parker Family, photo School Group - Photographs
- Ball Creek, 1925; Crosses Creek, 1938; Dripping Springs, 1916; Patrick Home School; Pinnacle, 1941; Pinnacle, 1952; St. Paul, 1937.
- Draketown, 1933; Mountain Grove, 1915; Smyrna, 1922; Upper Campground.
- Buckeye, 1940; Langley, 1912; Plainview, 1912; Pharris, 1910;
- Delaney, 1936; Dean, 1938; Farrell's Creek, 1912; Greenwood, 1941.
- Alabam, 1915; Lower Wharton, 1941; St. Paul, 1915; Duncan, 1912.
- Symrna, 1931; St. Paul Girls Basketball, 1935-1938;
- Huntsville Basketball, 1937. Miscellaneous
- Huntsville square, 1920.
- Swinging Bridge, Dutton, 1921.
- Governors, Murphy and Faubus.
- Auslam home.
- Ann Hawkins - Buried Treasure.
- South side, Huntsville square.
- Blacksmith shop.
- Civil War veterans.
- Army Post Band.
- Farming with mules.
- Early Madison County settlement.
- Last oxen team.
- Horse and buggy.
- Huntsville square.
- War Eagle bridge, 1915.
- Pettigrew.
- Matne Store, 1924.
- First plane in Madison County.

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