Annotated Obiituaries pertaining to the people of Madison County Arkansas
Hope Hodgdon Creek has compiled a list of thousands of obituaries which span the dates from 1920 - 1959 and
are contained in 4 separate volumes. Each volume is $25.00 plus S&H. There is a 5th volume which contains Pre-1920's obituaries which sells for
$30.00 plus S&H.
The Annotated Obituary Books
Annotated Obituaries 1920 - 1929; full Obituaries; 261 pages; index. $25.00 plus S&H.

Annotated Obituaries 1930 - 1939; 254 pages; 1,378 surnames; index. $25.00 plus S&H.

Annotated Obituaries 1940 - 1949; 291 pages; 1,361 surnames; index. $25.00 plus S&H.

Annotated Obituaries 1950 - 1959; 286 pages; 1,332 surnames; index. $25.00 plus S&H.

Pre 1920 Obituaries of Madison County Residents; 286 pages; 1,332 surnames; index. This volume is $30.00 plus S&H