A History of Presley Chapel United Methodist Church - A family oriented, small country church by Kevin Hatfield
60 pages, over 200 photos covering the history and membership of the church $15.00 plus S&H
Table of Contents
- A History of Presley Chapel United Methodist Church
- Early Methodism
- Structure of the Church
- History of the Methodist Conferences in Arkansas
- The Alabama Methodist Episcopal Church South
- Original Deed Conveying land to the ME Church South at Alabam
- Presley Chapel - The Early Years
- Alambam ME Church South becomes Presley Chapel
- Melenium Brown Presley and Nance Terry Walden and family
- Early Church Membership - the first 50 years
- Huntsville-Presley Chapel Charge
- The League
- A new Presley Chapel
- Dedication of the new church
- Presley Chapel - 1968
- A Fellowhip Hall is added
- Ministers Seving Presley Chapel
- Known members of the church (comprehensive)
- Church membership statistics
- Photos of the church
- Church membership photographs (old and new)

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